
Season 8

Orion was a high school football star with a happy childhood. His father was struggling with health issues and Orion set out to give him a good life before he passed away, so he became a full time drug dealer.

At the age of 25, the criminal lifestyle caught up with Orion and he was charged with drug conspiracy and firearm possession. While incarcerated, he spent his time in the law library, and mentored his bunkies on personal training and prayer. A staunch optimist, Orion did not let prison break him; instead, he saw it as an opportunity to work on himself. An exemplary inmate, the corrections officers clapped when Orion was released and wished him “good luck.”

Today, Orion volunteers as a youth mentor and works as a personal trainer. He is the doting father of four children and enjoys his quiet life. After nearly 20 years in prison, Orion is determined to make up for lost time and be an advocate for returning citizens. Orion knows firsthand that the hardest part of incarceration is the transition back into the free world and will hold the Sheriff accountable for implementing reentry programs into her facility. Orion sees himself in the young cats behind bars and wants to show them that being locked up is not a badge of honor.