Rookie CO Andrew Martinez

Andrew Martinez

Rookie CO

Fresh-faced Andrew has always dreamed of working in law enforcement. After a sheltered upbringing in a gated community in Albuquerque, he applied to the corrections academy straight out of high school after hearing about it at a job fair. His only job before that was working at Wal-Mart as a cart-pusher.

Andrew’s mom and grandmother wish he would pursue a less dangerous career, but Andrew wants to make a difference. He believes he can be a positive role model for the inmates and wants to send them back into the world as productive members of society.

Andrew’s preconceived notions about corrections and law enforcement come from fictional television shows. Having had no first-hand exposure to the harsh realities of crime or violence, Andrew has no idea what he’s signed up for. Only 18 years old, his lack of life experience could end up hurting him when he hits the line and has to interact with inmates for the first time.