Tami from A&E’s 60 Days In


Season 1

Tami is a police officer working in all aspects of the field from undercover work to the mounted command. She is passionate about making the community around her safer. While she’s not afraid to put people behind bars, she often wonders if their crime fits the punishment and whether they’ll truly be rehabilitated.

While growing up in the foster care system, Tami felt like nobody was protecting her. Tami was compelled to join the police academy.

Tami could have easily ended up behind bars like many of her peers. Now she’ll get the chance to experience what that life would have been like. She’ll also see firsthand how her actions out in the field result in a growing incarcerated population and live with people similar to those she has arrested.

She’s the proud mom to a young daughter and believes she’ll come home a more informed and compassionate officer and parent after this experience. The Sheriff believes having a police officer in his jail will be invaluable in spotting criminal behavior.